Kaleidoscope Clubs are led by facilitators; students can choose their activities or do the guided activities for that week.
Drop-In | $5 | Anyone can drop-in; one-time use; any club or Explorer Lab |
Youth Semester Pass | $80 | One child age 2-17; good for all clubs and Explorer Lab for the semester |
Family Semester Pass | $230 | Up to two adults and three children; good for all clubs and Explorer Lab for the semester |
Youth Full Year Pass | $150 | One child; good for all clubs and Explorer Lab for the school year |
Family Full Year Pass | $450 | Up to two adults and three children; good for all clubs and Explorer Lab for the school year |
Member Pass | $0 | Free admission to all clubs and Explorer Lab for Kaleidoscope members. |
Passes can be used by a student to attend any combination of Kaleidoscope clubs. Passes cannot be shared between students.
Semester 1 runs from 9/11/23 to 12/21/23.
Semester 2 runs from 1/22/24-5/9/24.
Clubs in GREEN indicate our L’Anse location and clubs in BLUE indicate our Hancock location.
Kaleidoscope L’Anse 830 N Main St |
Kaleidoscope Hancock 417 Quincy St, 4th floor |
Arts and Crafts Club: Mondays 4:00-5:30. Get creative in this open art session! Choose your own projects or follow a new guided project each week. Lego Club: Mondays 4:00-5:30, ages 5+. Get creative with Legos, participate in Lego challenge builds, and have a chance to show off your Lego builds. Club Teen Night: Mondays, 6:00-8:00 pm. Ages 13-18 ONLY. Hang out with friends and enjoy guided activities such as D&D, craft nights, board games, and more during this club.
Lego Club: Mondays, 4:00-5:30, ages 5+. Get creative with Legos, participate in Lego challenge builds, and have a chance to show off your Lego builds.
Drama Club: Mondays 4:00-5:30. Ages 5+. Participants play improv games, do acting exercises, and more. Arts and Crafts Club: Thursdays, 4:00-5:30, ages 5+. Get creative in this open art session! Choose your own projects or follow a new guided project each week.